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Developing an effective job search strategy

Finding Work: Developing an effective job search strategy


Having a well thought out action plan/job search strategy is the best way to find the work you want as fast as possible and extremely important for those out of work. Many job seekers make the mistake of placing their CV on numerous job sites, registering with a few agencies and then seeing what happens only to find within a few months this is not enough. If you are in employment this approach is fine.

 Attributes of a successful action plan/job search strategy

  • Be organised with your job search by keeping track of agencies, job sites and job advertisements.
  • Have a routine that you follow rather than just waiting for something to happen.
  • Be proactive knowing what you can and can’t do.
  • Open up more job opportunities for yourself.
  • Know where you stand and what other plans you may need to put in place.
  • Help you get your dream job by proactively targeting suitable companies and network contacts you have.
  • You will look to explore all categories of how you can find employment, these being recruitment agencies, advertised jobs, approaching companies direct, networking (word of mouth), and online jobsites/distribution services.

Risks of not having a structured action plan/job search strategy

  • It is likely to take longer to find work.
  • Can be dependent on too few sources that may not be right for you to find the work you want.
  • You’re more dependent on luck.
  • Easily lose focus in your search for work.
  • Time can pass before you realise your job search actions are likely to be unsuccessful
  • You won’t open up as many opportunities.

Questions to ask yourself when developing an action plan/job search strategy

What work do I want to do?

What work will I be happy to do if I can’t achieve the targeted work I want?

Which recruitment agencies handle vacancies in my field?

How many agencies deal with the work I am seeking?

 What media will be best to look at for suitable positions?

 When is it the right time to look? For example, Guardian newspaper may have engineering jobs advertised every Wednesday.

Who in my network of friends and colleagues would be a good source to getting the work I seek?

Of these contacts which ones will I contact as a group, and which ones individually?

Which companies can I identify with, that will have the work I seek?

Of these which will be my preferred company to work for

Following your action plan:

Once you have a list of recruitment agencies, job sites, media for advertised jobs, colleagues/friends and companies to target you are ready to commence your search for work.

Make other plans and have a date that you will enact that if your first plan does not eventuate.

It is important to have all your job search information in one place. It will also assist you with future searches.