Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Discovering what you want to do next

Try and develop a career or do work that you will enjoy

You spend a lot of your life working so it is well worth trying to find work you enjoy.

You may already know what you want to do which is great as you can about your job hunt.

If you don’t know what to do it is important to try identify to work you may be interested in. You may want to search google for free career tests that may suggest potential career options. Here is a link to one of these Career Test.

Your family and friends can give you advice and while you should take this on board always remember it is only you who can really decide what you want to do.

Questions to ask yourself?

When getting started, it is important to sit down and think about what your options are as well as what you want to do next. Once you work this out then you will be ready to write copies of your CV, research the job market and start applying for jobs.

Briefly list the type of roles or industries you are interested in working


What would be the job that you would be the happiest doing and why?


Is there anything you don’t want to do?


Is there any training you could do to improve your chances for any of the roles above?


What type of working environment would you enjoy? (E.g big company vs small business)


Are you happy to relocate? If so where?


If looking at a career change what salary would be the lowest you could happily afford?


What skills and experience do you have that may be suitable for temporary work?


Are you interested in running your own business? Do you have any ideas that may be worth exploring?
