Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Giving yourself a focus

Giving yourself a focus

You are best served if you have a focus to your job search as you can directly target the work that you seek. If you know what you want to do having a focus is easy. If don’t know what you want to do this obviously a little bit harder but there are still ways of focusing.

Giving yourself a focus when you know what to do

  • Makes your search easier as you are targeting on specific roles and industries
  • Employers want to hire someone who genuinely wants the work they offering.
  • Develop a plan sourcing potential recruitment agencies, companies to approach direct, job boards etc
  • Source and engage with contacts on Linkedin within the industry you want to work showcasing your value
  • If you fall short on a skill that may block you from getting the work you want look at doing some additional training. A lot of courses can be done online.
  • Visit relevant industry exhibitions using them to introduce yourself
  • Plan your day so you are proactive. Not reactive waiting for jobs to be advertised.

Open to doing a few different roles

If you are looking at different types of roles put a separate focus in to each type of work you are seeking.

  • Your CV should have an individual focus for each role you apply and each industry
  • Develop separate plans for each type of role/industry you are targeting. An employer who is hiring a marketing person may have concerns seeing a CV designed for a sales role. They want to know you are 100% genuine about the role you are applying for.
  • Different roles require different skill sets so each CV should be highlighting your relevant skills specific to the roles you are applying.

Giving yourself a focus when you don’t know what to do

You can still have a focus with your search when you don’t know what to do

  • Research work that you feel you may like. You can do this by speaking with friends, career advisors or doing online career tools that may direct you to possible options.
  • Look to obtain temporary/contract work which will improve your skills and experience. Register with agencies and follow the up regularly
  • Consider applying for internships/voluntary work to experience things