Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Job Application Forms: Tips and advice

Application Forms


A mistake many job seekers make is not taking enough time and exercising enough care when filling out job application forms. This is a sales and marketing document just like your CV, but can be even be more complex because the employer can gain further insight into your personality than what they can with a resume because of the extra questions they can ask. Employers can learn a great deal about a person from how an application form is written as much as they can from reading the responses. Quite often employers will operate a points system when marking application forms and those with the highest points are the candidates most likely to gain an interview. So be precise in filling out the form to the instructions asked.

Tips and advice when completing application forms

  • Read the instructions of the application carefully.
  • Go through all the questions a couple of times before responding.
  • Do not rush answering the questions think through each question carefully. Ask yourself why is the employer asking this question and what are they looking for?
  • A common mistake is to answer everything in question 1 only to find out that you have already answered later questions.
  • Do draft copies of answers before completing the form.
  • Always have the job description/advertisement close to hand and relate your answers to what you feel the employer is looking for. Research the company prior to completing the form for further insight.
  • Answer all questions asked. Check at least three times to make sure you have ticked all required boxes and answered all questions.
  • Do not enclose your CV if the application form specifically asks you not to this can hinder your chance for an interview as it shows a lack of attention to detail.
  • Answer the amount of information the form indicates. If they want a 500 word answer provide as close to a 500 word answer. Writing 1-2 lines in this situation would be providing an insufficient answer. The same situation applies if they have eight lines and you only write a two line response.
  • Make sure your answers are well written, taking care not to include any spelling or grammar mistakes
  • If the application form requires a hand written response make sure your hand writing is neat, easy to read and written in either blue or black ink.
  • Don’t forget to sign and date the application form
  • Read and check your application form numerous times before submitting
  • If given an application form at either an interview or with a recruitment agency, respond positively. A lot of people show frustration when presented with application forms at recruitment agencies and it is this frustration that leads to concern with the recruiter that may give reason to not put a candidate forward.
  • Try and get any application forms in with time to spare before the closing date. Those sent on the last day may have their time management skills questioned by the employer.