Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Job Rejection: Benefits of a thank you letter/email

A thank you letter even after receiving a receiving a job rejection can be a little step that may help you get the job you want.

Benefits of writing a thank you letter

  • It is rare job seekers do it so the hiring manager will remember you and hopefully we be impressed by it.
  • You may have just missed out on a role that you really wanted. Funny things happen and if the role opens up again that thank you letter could be the little thing that makes them want to hire you.
  • If the company has other internal vacancies the hiring manager may recommend you for other positions.
  • If you are working in a specific industry that letter may help you further down the line either with a deal or future job search. So even if you have found another role or were not 100% interested in the position originally it can be positive thing to do.

Elements of an effective thank you letter/email

  • Keep it positive
  • Be appreciative and grateful for the opportunity
  • If you are interested in the company, mention you would be interested in any future opportunities within the organisation that they might feel suitable
  • Keep it short, sharp and concise

Remember that a thank you letter is a long a shot, don’t expect anything from it and once written quickly move on with your job search. However it only takes 5 minutes to write and will make a positive impression.