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Likely interview questions (To help you practice and prepare)

Likely Interview Questions

Top Twelve Interview Questions:       

Q Tell me about your self?


Memorise some strong attributes about yourself; describe your qualifications and career history as well as skills relevant to the job on offer. Briefly mention a couple of your hobbies and interests that show positive traits to your personality.

Q What has been your greatest achievement so far? What have been your achievements to date?


Unless you are going for your first position mention an achievement which is work related if you have an outstanding achievement outside work mention this afterwards. If they want to know numerous achievements have 2-3 achievements from various positions you have undertaken memorised in your mind prior to the interview.

Q What are your strengths?


This is a question you are likely to get so be prepared and list 3 or 4 strengths related to the job description. Possible strengths could include ability to relate to others, confidence, positive attitude, enthusiasm, hardworking, loyalty, relevant work place skills etc. Make sure they are genuine strengths.

Q What are your weaknesses?


Never say you don’t have any weaknesses as this will come across as arrogant and it will only make the interviewer probe further.

You can answer this two ways, the first is to mention a negative which can also be a positive.  Eg, “Too demanding on myself at times.”, “Very focussed at work so people sometimes think I am ignoring them”.

The other way to answer this question is lack of experience (not ability) in area which is not a vital part of the job.

If asked only mention one weakness, but have a further two as backup in case the interviewer probes further.

Q How would your family/friends/spouse describe you?


This is another question asking how you perceive yourself, choose three or four positive attributes, loyalty, honesty, fun, reliable etc that will give the employer a positive insight to your personality.

Q Are you happy with your career to date?


Yes and then mention why you have been happy with it so far.  The interviewer is asking this question to judge your confidence, self esteem and career aspirations.  If you have reached a “flat spot in your career” or “feel things are moving too slowly” qualify the answer.

Q Why do you think you’re suitable for this role? Why have you applied for this particular position?


Research of the company and job description is critical in this question.

The employer wants to get a feeling for understanding of the role and whether it suits you and your long term goals.  When answering this question mention your experience or skills gained that the job requires as well as what you are looking to achieve out of the role and characteristics of the organisation that interest you most.

Q What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it?


The interviewer is trying to determine what your definition of difficult is and whether you can show a logical approach to problem solving.  Mention a difficult situation that does not originate from your self and can be explained in a few sentences.  Explain how you defined the problem, what the options were, why you selected the option you did and what the outcome was.  Make sure it has a positive outcome.

Q Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?


Don’t be arrogant in your answer. Mention what you want from a role and company environment rather then mentioning a specific job title. If you are going to mention progression ensure it does not overshadow the job you are applying. Eg. “I would like to be working in a challenging role and rewarded for my efforts.” 

Q Why do you want to leave your current position?


Only mention positive reasons for wanting to leave your current position. New challenge, new environment, take on more responsibility or to further your experience.  Do not be negative in your answer. It is rarely appropriate to mention salary as a motivating factor.

Q What do you enjoy about your current job?


Talk positively of your previous position make it sound interesting and varied but don’t over do it, as after all you are looking to leave.

Q What do you know about the company?


Prior to the interview you should have researched the company by finding out as much information about them on their website and internet search engines.  Find out as much as possible. What the company does? How they have performed? The size of the company, are they global? Do they have Sister Companies? Who are the competitors in their industry? What is the history of the company?

Be brief in your response but most importantly show that you have researched the company and know as much about them as possible.

Q What don’t you like about your current job?


Be cautious with your answer as being too specific may draw attentions to weaknesses that will leave you open to further problems. Choose a characteristic of your present company such as its size or slow decision making processes etc give your answer with air of someone who takes problems and frustrations in your stride. Try not to choose a characteristic that is obviously going to be a similar problem with the company you are applying to work for.  Eg if they are a small company don’t say them being a small company was a problem.

Other Practice Interview Questions

Q Explain your current role?

Q How does your job fit in with the department in your company?

Q How do you cope when your work is criticised?

Q Do you like to work by yourself or in a team, and why?

Q What are you looking for in a company?

Q What can you bring to this organisation?

Q How do you work under pressure and how do you deal with pressure?

Q How would you react if you were asked to work late at short notice?

Q When your not busy what do you do?

Q Why should you get this job over other candidates?

Q What have you failed to achieve to date?

Q Give me an example of when you have been out of your depth?

Q How do you feel about working long hours or weekends?

Q Are you a self starter? Give me examples to demonstrate this?

Q What kind of pressures have you encountered at work?

Q How do you measure your own performance?

Q What changes in the workplace have caused you difficulty and why?

Q What kind of people do you like working with?

Q Give me an example of when you had to face a conflict of interest at work?

Q When was the last time you disagreed with your boss?

Q Give me an example of when you have not got on with others?

Q Give me an example of when you have felt angry at work. How did you cope and did you still perform a good job?

Q Give me an example of when team work has been required in your job?

Q This organisation is very different from your current organisation how do you think you will fit in?