Questions for you to ask in the interview
At the end of the interview, it is likely that they will ask you if you have any questions. Asking questions shows an interest and it can be a good idea to have some prepared earlier. Make sure you don’t ask a question that they have already answered in the interview.
What sort of training is on offer?
Why do you feel it is a good company to work for?
Are there any internal candidates interested in the position?
Can you describe the company culture?
Do you run an induction program?
How do you feel that my skills meet the requirements of the role?
How long was the last post-holder in the position?
What are the personalities of the team or manager?
Unless specifically asked don’t talk about salary and other benefits in the first interview.
Note – If you are being interviewed for a sales role, the interviewer, particularly if part of the sales team, will want you to close them at the interview to demonstrate your sales skills.