Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

The importance of maintaining a positive attitude

A positive mindset vs a negative mindset

Job hunting can be like riding a roller-coaster with many highs and lows. It is important to remain positive at all times because that mindset with potentially open up more opportunities for you.

Benefits of a positive mindset

If are optimistic and positive it means you have hope and with it want to open up more doors/opportunities. Your effort will be higher and with it you are likely to be more successful.

Detriments of a negative mindset

When you are negative it means you are losing hope and this means your effort is likely to be down and therefore you will try to open less doors and with you’re less likely to be successful.

To keep a positive mindset

  • set yourself minor and achievable goals
  • Take up another activity of self improvement (fitness training, cooking classes, extra training etc)
  • Be optimistic with every failure you’re one step closer to your next success.
  • Keep a list of you’re strengths and achievements posted on a wall.
  • Mix with your friends who are positive in mindset and won’t bring you down