Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Writing your CV: Employment section

Employment history

 List the companies you have worked for in reverse chronological order (Most recent position you were in first)

When filling this out list as many achievements as possible and give as much detail as you can, this is more important for your most recent roles and those roles relevant to positions you will be applying.

Employer name



Company description (What do they do? What industry do they work with or are in? How long established? Business size?)



Employer name Position Dates Company description (What do they do? What industry do they work with or are in? How long established? Business size?) Responsibilities Achievements Employer name Position Dates

Company description (What do they do? What industry do they work with or are in? How long established? Business size?) Responsibilities Achievements Employer Name Position Dates Company description (What do they do? What industry do they work with or are in? How long established? Business size?) Responsibilities Achievements