Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Writing your CV: Highlights section

Summary of qualifications

Always list, in order of most important first, the 5-6 relevant skills, experience, education characteristics and achievements you have tailored to the vacancy you are applying to.

If not applying for a specific vacancy list the 5-6 strengths will best sell you for the roles you want.

Make a judgement as to whether you want to emphasise a point you have already made in the profile.

For example: mention pharmaceutical graduate in profile then mention it in the summary of qualifications. Bachelor Science Pharmaceutical degree, achieving a (2:1)

Questions to ask yourself when writing your summary of qualifications both for a general CV and for a specific role:

Do I have relevant education or training worth highlighting?

What experience do I have worth highlighting?

What achievements do I have worth highlighting?

 What software, language or specific skills do I have worth highlighting?

What personal attributes do I have worth highlighting? For example: communication, leadership etc

Are you in a role that requires technical/software skills? For example: graphic designer, IT programmer etc.

Is it worth making a separate section for these technical skills?

Are there any membership groups or other qualifications worth highlighting?