Mental Approach
Thinking like a recruiter/hiring manager
CV Writing Skills

Writing your CV: Profile section

Personal profile

This is a brief 2-4 line statement that positively describes your personality, background and future employment interests. You should tailor this depending on whom you are sending your CV to.

Using the profile to help counter objections

Are there any aspects of your CV worth explaining in your profile to make it easier to understand for the intended audience that could help rectify any concerns they may have?

Mentioning career change

If you are looking to change careers mention this in your profile ideally mentioning transferable skills that might interest the hiring manager/recruiter reviewing your CV.

For example: Confident and hardworking school teacher who is now seeking a career change to an office administration based role that will utilise my strong attention to detail, ability to multi task and excellent PC skills.

Explaining a significant gap in time since the last time you worked:

If you are a mum returning to work, recently traveled or undertaken voluntary work for considerable amount of time since your most recent job, explain this in your profile. If you have been to prison it is probably best not to mention this in your profile.

For example: Highly skilled software programmer who has recently returned from 15 months travel now seeking a challenging contract or permanent role that will utilise my strong knowledge of C++ and Visual Basic.

Lots of short term roles now wanting permanent position

Employers get concerned when there are too many recent short term jobs on the CV. It is worth mentioning that you have been doing contract work and are now seeking a permanent position.

For example: Professional and dynamic marketing account manager with excellent experience gained working with a broad base of clients whilst contracting; now looking to settle down in challenging permanent role within a marketing agency.

Relevant experience not in most recent jobs

If you are applying for a role where your relevant experience is not from recent employment, mention this in your profile and direct them to the relevant employment on your CV.

For example: positive and professional graduate looking to utilise the four years human resources experience I gained working for Grant Thornton business consultants and now seeking a challenging new role within a busy personnel department.

Over qualified for the job you’re applying to

If you are applying for a role which is less senior than your previous position employers will question your motivation. It is a judgement call whether you would want to mention this in your profile to ease any concerns.

For example: positive and professional graduate looking to utilise the four years human resources experience I gained working for Grant Thornton business consultants and now seeking a challenging new role within a busy personnel department.